As the person responsible for operational logistics in your company, you know that there is no way around the automation of intralogistics if you want to remain competitive in the future. You know your competitors and are aware they have already invested in innovative intralogistics solutions or are upgrading accordingly.
It is clear, that automation creates significant and decisive advantages for your company and your employees on many levels, which you should also take advantage of.
A brief overview of the most important reasons, why this is the case and what these advantages are will once again be clearly highlighted.
The "safety" aspect is the linchpin from which all the other benefits derive - directly or indirectly. Because: the positive consequences of having automated and autonomous logistics solutions take over those processes that involve potentially dangerous and physically heavy activities - and would otherwise have to be performed by your staff - are far-reaching.
Fewer accidents. Less sick leaves
Potentially dangerous and physically demanding work processes are always associated with a higher probability of accidents and the risk of physical wear and tear. This is also associated with a correspondingly high level of psychological stress, which in turn increases the risk of accidents and illness.
The introduction of automated as well as autonomous intralogistics systems, on the other hand, means an immediate increase in safety standards and thus a minimization of accidents or other illness-related absences.
Higher safety standards. Greater attractiveness.
The highest guarantee of in-house safety directly impacts the attractiveness of the work areas concerned. As a result, fluctuations within the workforce and vacancies caused by health-related absences, resignations or retirements can be filled quickly and without long-term recruiting.
Less fluctuation
High safety standards and the resulting attractiveness as an employer also minimizes staff turnover and the associated investment in ongoing training in favor of long-term employment relationships.
Increased efficiency
Automated and autonomous intralogistics solutions mean a significant increase in efficiency. This results not only from the increased satisfaction of your employees, but in particular from the fact that automated and autonomous intralogistics systems can be used in continuous operation 24/7 - without fluctuations or quality losses.
This stable and continuous material flow makes the entire logistics in your company more plannable, reliable, and scalable, which means an immediate and measurable increase in efficiency.
More flexibility
Changes to production lines and warehouse structures inevitably impact intralogistics. In such situations, autonomous and flexible logistics solutions are a big step ahead of inflexible systems. When using AMRs (Autonomous Mobile Robots) from the Austrian company AGILOX - a pioneer in the field of autonomous transport vehicles - it would be sufficient, for example, to steer a single AGILOX AMR through the warehouse or production hall via smartphone in the event of any changes. In doing so, it would create a virtual plan of the current room situation. The task processes are then assigned to it. The other AGILOX AMRs in the fleet then receive a "mirror image" of its records and are immediately ready for action without any further effort.
Cost savings
Based on the above examples, it is obvious that all these benefits are directly accompanied by cost savings on both the production and personnel sides.
In this respect, automation in the field of intra- and transport logistics is exclusively associated with advantages.
You will find more detailed information on the above-mentioned aspects and more in a compact summary in the free whitepaper, which is available exclusively for download here.